

本附录提供了 Apex 应用程序的示例。这是一个比 Hello World 示例。

  • 运输发票演练
  • 装运发票示例代码
  1. 装运发票示例演练
  2. 装运发票示例代码


本节中的示例应用程序包括混合了的传统 Salesforce 功能 与 Apex。Apex 的许多句法和语义特征,以及常见的习语,是 在此应用程序中进行了说明。


装运发票示例需要自定义对象。您可以 您可以自行创建这些代码,或者将对象和 Apex 代码下载为非托管包。 Salesforce AppExchange。要获取组织中的示例资产,请安装 Apex 教程包。此套餐还 包含 Apex 快速入门的示例代码和对象。


在此示例应用程序中,用户 创建新的装运发票或订单,然后将物料添加到发票中。总金额 对于订单,包括运费,是根据 在发票中添加或删除的项目。


此示例应用程序使用两个新的 对象:项目和Shipping_invoice。做出以下假设:

  • 项目 A 不能同时按顺序排列shipping_invoice1和shipping_invoice2。两个客户 无法获得相同的(物理)产品。
  • 税率为9.25%。
  • 运费为每磅 75 美分。
  • 一旦订单超过 100 美元,将应用运费折扣(免运费)。

Item 自定义对象中的字段包括:

Shipping_invoice大纲-细节 (shipping_invoice)与此项目关联的顺序


航运货币收取的运费金额(假设每磅 0.75 美元)
运费折扣货币当小计金额达到 100 美元时,只适用一次

此应用程序的所有 Apex 都包含在触发器中。此应用程序具有 以下触发器:



购物车应用程序的用户操作和触发器流Flow of user action and triggers for shopping cart application

  1. 用户点击订单 |新建,命名装运发票,然后单击保存
  2. 用户单击“新建项目”,填写信息,然后单击“保存”。
  3. 计算触发器运行次数。“计算”触发器的一部分将更新装运发票。
  4. ShippingDiscount 触发器运行。
  5. 然后,用户可以添加、删除或更改发票中的项目。

在装运发票示例代码中,触发器和 列出了测试类。代码中的注释解释了该功能。


在将应用程序作为包的一部分包含在内之前,必须将 75% 的代码覆盖 单元测试。因此,装运发票应用程序的一件是用于测试的类 触发器。测试类验证以下操作是否已成功完成:

  • 插入项目
  • 更新项目
  • 删除项目
  • 应用运费折扣
  • 输入不良的阴性测试


以下触发器和测试类组成了装运发票 应用示例:

  • 计算触发器
  • ShippingDiscount 触发器
  • 测试类


trigger calculate on Item__c (after insert, after update, after delete) {

// Use a map because it doesn't allow duplicate values

Map<ID, Shipping_Invoice__C> updateMap = new Map<ID, Shipping_Invoice__C>();

// Set this integer to -1 if we are deleting
Integer subtract ;

// Populate the list of items based on trigger type
List<Item__c> itemList;
    if(trigger.isInsert || trigger.isUpdate){
        itemList =;
        subtract = 1;
    else if(trigger.isDelete)
        // Note -- there is no in delete
        itemList = trigger.old;
        subtract = -1;

// Access all the information we need in a single query 
// rather than querying when we need it.
// This is a best practice for bulkifying requests

set<Id> AllItems = new set<id>();

for(item__c i :itemList){
// Assert numbers are not negative.  
// None of the fields would make sense with a negative value

System.assert(i.quantity__c > 0, 'Quantity must be positive');
System.assert(i.weight__c >= 0, 'Weight must be non-negative');
System.assert(i.price__c >= 0, 'Price must be non-negative');

// If there is a duplicate Id, it won't get added to a set

// Accessing all shipping invoices associated with the items in the trigger
List<Shipping_Invoice__C> AllShippingInvoices = [SELECT Id, ShippingDiscount__c, 
                   SubTotal__c, TotalWeight__c, Tax__c, GrandTotal__c 
                   FROM Shipping_Invoice__C WHERE Id IN :AllItems];
// Take the list we just populated and put it into a Map.  
// This will make it easier to look up a shipping invoice
// because you must iterate a list, but you can use lookup for a map, 
Map<ID, Shipping_Invoice__C> SIMap = new Map<ID, Shipping_Invoice__C>();

for(Shipping_Invoice__C sc : AllShippingInvoices)
    SIMap.put(, sc);

// Process the list of items
        // Treat updates like a removal of the old item and addition of the         
        // revised item rather than figuring out the differences of each field 
        // and acting accordingly.
        // Note updates have both and trigger.old
        for(Integer x = 0; x < Trigger.old.size(); x++)
            Shipping_Invoice__C myOrder;
            myOrder = SIMap.get(trigger.old[x].Shipping_Invoice__C);

            // Decrement the previous value from the subtotal and weight.
            myOrder.SubTotal__c -= (trigger.old[x].price__c * 
            myOrder.TotalWeight__c -= (trigger.old[x].weight__c * 
            // Increment the new subtotal and weight.
            myOrder.SubTotal__c += ([x].price__c * 
            myOrder.TotalWeight__c += ([x].weight__c * 
        for(Shipping_Invoice__C myOrder : AllShippingInvoices)
            // Set tax rate to 9.25%  Please note, this is a simple example.  
            // Generally, you would never hard code values.
            // Leveraging Custom Settings for tax rates is a best practice.  
            // See Custom Settings in the Apex Developer Guide 
            // for more information.
            myOrder.Tax__c = myOrder.Subtotal__c * .0925;
            // Reset the shipping discount
            myOrder.ShippingDiscount__c = 0;
            // Set shipping rate to 75 cents per pound.  
            // Generally, you would never hard code values.
            // Leveraging Custom Settings for the shipping rate is a best practice.
            // See Custom Settings in the Apex Developer Guide 
            // for more information.
            myOrder.Shipping__c = (myOrder.totalWeight__c * .75);
            myOrder.GrandTotal__c = myOrder.SubTotal__c + myOrder.tax__c + 
            updateMap.put(, myOrder);
        for(Item__c itemToProcess : itemList)
            Shipping_Invoice__C myOrder;
            // Look up the correct shipping invoice from the ones we got earlier
            myOrder = SIMap.get(itemToProcess.Shipping_Invoice__C);
            myOrder.SubTotal__c += (itemToProcess.price__c * 
                                    itemToProcess.quantity__c * subtract);
            myOrder.TotalWeight__c += (itemToProcess.weight__c * 
                                       itemToProcess.quantity__c * subtract);
        for(Shipping_Invoice__C myOrder : AllShippingInvoices)
             // Set tax rate to 9.25%  Please note, this is a simple example.  
             // Generally, you would never hard code values.
             // Leveraging Custom Settings for tax rates is a best practice.  
             // See Custom Settings in the Apex Developer Guide 
             // for more information.
             myOrder.Tax__c = myOrder.Subtotal__c * .0925;
             // Reset shipping discount
             myOrder.ShippingDiscount__c = 0;
            // Set shipping rate to 75 cents per pound.  
            // Generally, you would never hard code values.
            // Leveraging Custom Settings for the shipping rate is a best practice.
            // See Custom Settings in the Apex Developer Guide 
            // for more information.
            myOrder.Shipping__c = (myOrder.totalWeight__c * .75);
            myOrder.GrandTotal__c = myOrder.SubTotal__c + myOrder.tax__c + 
            updateMap.put(, myOrder);
     // Only use one DML update at the end.
     // This minimizes the number of DML requests generated from this trigger.
     update updateMap.values();

运费折扣 触发

trigger ShippingDiscount on Shipping_Invoice__C (before update) {
    // Free shipping on all orders greater than $100
    for(Shipping_Invoice__C myShippingInvoice :
        if((myShippingInvoice.subtotal__c >= 100.00) && 
           (myShippingInvoice.ShippingDiscount__c == 0))
            myShippingInvoice.ShippingDiscount__c = 
                         myShippingInvoice.Shipping__c * -1;
            myShippingInvoice.GrandTotal__c += myShippingInvoice.ShippingDiscount__c;

运输发票 测试

private class TestShippingInvoice{

    // Test for inserting three items at once
    public static testmethod void testBulkItemInsert(){
        // Create the shipping invoice. It's a best practice to either use defaults
        // or to explicitly set all values to zero so as to avoid having
        // extraneous data in your test.
        Shipping_Invoice__C order1 = new Shipping_Invoice__C(subtotal__c = 0, 
                          totalweight__c = 0, grandtotal__c = 0, 
                          ShippingDiscount__c = 0, Shipping__c = 0, tax__c = 0);

        // Insert the order and populate with items
        insert Order1;
        List<Item__c> list1 = new List<Item__c>();
        Item__c item1 = new Item__C(Price__c = 10, weight__c = 1, quantity__c = 1, 
                                    Shipping_Invoice__C =;
        Item__c item2 = new Item__C(Price__c = 25, weight__c = 2, quantity__c = 1, 
                                    Shipping_Invoice__C =;
        Item__c item3 = new Item__C(Price__c = 40, weight__c = 3, quantity__c = 1, 
                                    Shipping_Invoice__C =;
        insert list1;
        // Retrieve the order, then do assertions
        order1 = [SELECT id, subtotal__c, tax__c, shipping__c, totalweight__c, 
                  grandtotal__c, shippingdiscount__c 
                  FROM Shipping_Invoice__C 
                  WHERE id =];
        System.assert(order1.subtotal__c == 75, 
                'Order subtotal was not $75, but was '+ order1.subtotal__c);
        System.assert(order1.tax__c == 6.9375, 
                'Order tax was not $6.9375, but was ' + order1.tax__c);
        System.assert(order1.shipping__c == 4.50, 
                'Order shipping was not $4.50, but was ' + order1.shipping__c);
        System.assert(order1.totalweight__c == 6.00, 
                'Order weight was not 6 but was ' + order1.totalweight__c);
        System.assert(order1.grandtotal__c == 86.4375, 
                'Order grand total was not $86.4375 but was ' 
                 + order1.grandtotal__c);
        System.assert(order1.shippingdiscount__c == 0, 
                'Order shipping discount was not $0 but was ' 
                + order1.shippingdiscount__c);
    // Test for updating three items at once
    public static testmethod void testBulkItemUpdate(){

        // Create the shipping invoice. It's a best practice to either use defaults
        // or to explicitly set all values to zero so as to avoid having
        // extraneous data in your test.
        Shipping_Invoice__C order1 = new Shipping_Invoice__C(subtotal__c = 0, 
                          totalweight__c = 0, grandtotal__c = 0, 
                          ShippingDiscount__c = 0, Shipping__c = 0, tax__c = 0);

        // Insert the order and populate with items.
        insert Order1;
        List<Item__c> list1 = new List<Item__c>();
        Item__c item1 = new Item__C(Price__c = 1, weight__c = 1, quantity__c = 1, 
                                    Shipping_Invoice__C =;
        Item__c item2 = new Item__C(Price__c = 2, weight__c = 2, quantity__c = 1, 
                                    Shipping_Invoice__C =;
        Item__c item3 = new Item__C(Price__c = 4, weight__c = 3, quantity__c = 1, 
                                    Shipping_Invoice__C =;
        insert list1;
        // Update the prices on the 3 items
        list1[0].price__c = 10;
        list1[1].price__c = 25;
        list1[2].price__c = 40;
        update list1;
        // Access the order and assert items updated
        order1 = [SELECT id, subtotal__c, tax__c, shipping__c, totalweight__c, 
                  grandtotal__c, shippingdiscount__c 
                  FROM Shipping_Invoice__C 
                  WHERE Id = :order1.Id];

        System.assert(order1.subtotal__c == 75, 
                       'Order subtotal was not $75, but was '+ order1.subtotal__c);
        System.assert(order1.tax__c == 6.9375, 
                       'Order tax was not $6.9375, but was ' + order1.tax__c);
        System.assert(order1.shipping__c == 4.50, 
                       'Order shipping was not $4.50, but was ' 
                       + order1.shipping__c);
        System.assert(order1.totalweight__c == 6.00, 
                       'Order weight was not 6 but was ' + order1.totalweight__c);
        System.assert(order1.grandtotal__c == 86.4375, 
                       'Order grand total was not $86.4375 but was ' 
                       + order1.grandtotal__c);
        System.assert(order1.shippingdiscount__c == 0, 
                       'Order shipping discount was not $0 but was ' 
                       + order1.shippingdiscount__c);
    // Test for deleting items
    public static testmethod void testBulkItemDelete(){

        // Create the shipping invoice. It's a best practice to either use defaults
        // or to explicitly set all values to zero so as to avoid having
        // extraneous data in your test.
        Shipping_Invoice__C order1 = new Shipping_Invoice__C(subtotal__c = 0, 
                          totalweight__c = 0, grandtotal__c = 0, 
                          ShippingDiscount__c = 0, Shipping__c = 0, tax__c = 0);

        // Insert the order and populate with items
        insert Order1;
        List<Item__c> list1 = new List<Item__c>();
        Item__c item1 = new Item__C(Price__c = 10, weight__c = 1, quantity__c = 1, 
                                    Shipping_Invoice__C =;
        Item__c item2 = new Item__C(Price__c = 25, weight__c = 2, quantity__c = 1, 
                                    Shipping_Invoice__C =;
        Item__c item3 = new Item__C(Price__c = 40, weight__c = 3, quantity__c = 1, 
                                    Shipping_Invoice__C =;
        Item__c itemA = new Item__C(Price__c = 1, weight__c = 3, quantity__c = 1, 
                                    Shipping_Invoice__C =;
        Item__c itemB = new Item__C(Price__c = 1, weight__c = 3, quantity__c = 1, 
                                    Shipping_Invoice__C =;
        Item__c itemC = new Item__C(Price__c = 1, weight__c = 3, quantity__c = 1, 
                                    Shipping_Invoice__C =;
        Item__c itemD = new Item__C(Price__c = 1, weight__c = 3, quantity__c = 1, 
                                    Shipping_Invoice__C =;
        insert list1;
        // Seven items are now in the shipping invoice. 
       // The following deletes four of them.
        List<Item__c> list2 = new List<Item__c>();
        delete list2;
        // Retrieve the order and verify the deletion
        order1 = [SELECT id, subtotal__c, tax__c, shipping__c, totalweight__c, 
                  grandtotal__c, shippingdiscount__c 
                  FROM Shipping_Invoice__C 
                  WHERE Id = :order1.Id];
        System.assert(order1.subtotal__c == 75, 
                      'Order subtotal was not $75, but was '+ order1.subtotal__c);
        System.assert(order1.tax__c == 6.9375, 
                      'Order tax was not $6.9375, but was ' + order1.tax__c);
        System.assert(order1.shipping__c == 4.50, 
                      'Order shipping was not $4.50, but was ' + order1.shipping__c);
        System.assert(order1.totalweight__c == 6.00, 
                      'Order weight was not 6 but was ' + order1.totalweight__c);
        System.assert(order1.grandtotal__c == 86.4375, 
                      'Order grand total was not $86.4375 but was ' 
                      + order1.grandtotal__c);
        System.assert(order1.shippingdiscount__c == 0, 
                      'Order shipping discount was not $0 but was ' 
                      + order1.shippingdiscount__c);
    // Testing free shipping
    public static testmethod void testFreeShipping(){

        // Create the shipping invoice. It's a best practice to either use defaults
        // or to explicitly set all values to zero so as to avoid having
        // extraneous data in your test.
        Shipping_Invoice__C order1 = new Shipping_Invoice__C(subtotal__c = 0, 
                          totalweight__c = 0, grandtotal__c = 0, 
                          ShippingDiscount__c = 0, Shipping__c = 0, tax__c = 0);

        // Insert the order and populate with items.
        insert Order1;
        List<Item__c> list1 = new List<Item__c>();
        Item__c item1 = new Item__C(Price__c = 10, weight__c = 1, 
                                 quantity__c = 1, Shipping_Invoice__C =;
        Item__c item2 = new Item__C(Price__c = 25, weight__c = 2, 
                                 quantity__c = 1, Shipping_Invoice__C =;
        Item__c item3 = new Item__C(Price__c = 40, weight__c = 3, 
                                 quantity__c = 1, Shipping_Invoice__C =;
        insert list1;
        // Retrieve the order and verify free shipping not applicable
        order1 = [SELECT id, subtotal__c, tax__c, shipping__c, totalweight__c, 
                  grandtotal__c, shippingdiscount__c 
                  FROM Shipping_Invoice__C 
                  WHERE Id = :order1.Id];
        // Free shipping not available on $75 orders
        System.assert(order1.subtotal__c == 75, 
                      'Order subtotal was not $75, but was '+ order1.subtotal__c);
        System.assert(order1.tax__c == 6.9375, 
                      'Order tax was not $6.9375, but was ' + order1.tax__c);
        System.assert(order1.shipping__c == 4.50, 
                      'Order shipping was not $4.50, but was ' + order1.shipping__c);
        System.assert(order1.totalweight__c == 6.00, 
                      'Order weight was not 6 but was ' + order1.totalweight__c);
        System.assert(order1.grandtotal__c == 86.4375, 
                      'Order grand total was not $86.4375 but was ' 
                      + order1.grandtotal__c);
        System.assert(order1.shippingdiscount__c == 0, 
                      'Order shipping discount was not $0 but was ' 
                      + order1.shippingdiscount__c);
        // Add items to increase subtotal
        item1 = new Item__C(Price__c = 25, weight__c = 20, quantity__c = 1, 
                            Shipping_Invoice__C =;       
        insert item1;

        // Retrieve the order and verify free shipping is applicable
        order1 = [SELECT id, subtotal__c, tax__c, shipping__c, totalweight__c, 
                  grandtotal__c, shippingdiscount__c 
                  FROM Shipping_Invoice__C 
                  WHERE Id = :order1.Id];
        // Order total is now at $100, so free shipping should be enabled
        System.assert(order1.subtotal__c == 100, 
                      'Order subtotal was not $100, but was '+ order1.subtotal__c);
        System.assert(order1.tax__c == 9.25, 
                      'Order tax was not $9.25, but was ' + order1.tax__c);
        System.assert(order1.shipping__c == 19.50, 
                      'Order shipping was not $19.50, but was ' 
                      + order1.shipping__c);
        System.assert(order1.totalweight__c == 26.00, 
                      'Order weight was not 26 but was ' + order1.totalweight__c);
        System.assert(order1.grandtotal__c == 109.25, 
                      'Order grand total was not $86.4375 but was ' 
                      + order1.grandtotal__c);
        System.assert(order1.shippingdiscount__c == -19.50, 
                      'Order shipping discount was not -$19.50 but was ' 
                      + order1.shippingdiscount__c);
     // Negative testing for inserting bad input
    public static testmethod void testNegativeTests(){

        // Create the shipping invoice. It's a best practice to either use defaults
        // or to explicitly set all values to zero so as to avoid having
        // extraneous data in your test.
        Shipping_Invoice__C order1 = new Shipping_Invoice__C(subtotal__c = 0, 
                          totalweight__c = 0, grandtotal__c = 0, 
                          ShippingDiscount__c = 0, Shipping__c = 0, tax__c = 0);

        // Insert the order and populate with items. 
        insert Order1;
        Item__c item1 = new Item__C(Price__c = -10, weight__c = 1, quantity__c = 1, 
                                    Shipping_Invoice__C =;
        Item__c item2 = new Item__C(Price__c = 25, weight__c = -2, quantity__c = 1, 
                                    Shipping_Invoice__C =;
        Item__c item3 = new Item__C(Price__c = 40, weight__c = 3, quantity__c = -1, 
                                    Shipping_Invoice__C =;
        Item__c item4 = new Item__C(Price__c = 40, weight__c = 3, quantity__c = 0, 
                                    Shipping_Invoice__C =;

            insert item1;
        catch(Exception e)
            system.assert(e.getMessage().contains('Price must be non-negative'), 
                         'Price was negative but was not caught');
            insert item2;
        catch(Exception e)
            system.assert(e.getMessage().contains('Weight must be non-negative'), 
                         'Weight was negative but was not caught');

            insert item3;
        catch(Exception e)
            system.assert(e.getMessage().contains('Quantity must be positive'), 
                         'Quantity was negative but was not caught');
            insert item4;
        catch(Exception e)
            system.assert(e.getMessage().contains('Quantity must be positive'), 
                         'Quantity was zero but was not caught');